Numbering Heads
CMT numbering heads change marking legends fast. quickly mark parts.
Numbering Head Selection Guide
Numbering heads are too much of an investment for your application. CMT strongly suggests either individual hand stamps or a hand holder. The individual hand stamps are the most economical.

The Quick Release Handholder has a easy thumb release for type, and complete legend changeover is under 15 seconds. Of course, CMT also recommends the use a type box for organzation of type.
You are currently marking with individual hand stamps and the time to mark each mark is extremely long and time consuming. The hand held numbering head will reduce your marking time by 50%.
You are currently marking with individual hand stamps and production rate is increasing. This is the right time to move away from hand tamps to a press application. The press style numbering head will provide a repeatable and deep mark everytime. The characters will be lined up and all of the same marking depth.
While a numbering head might fit your application, CMT recommends an investment in a dot-peen marking system. The numbering head can only be used for (1) configuration; one character size and a single length/or number of characters. The dot-peen machine can be used for more marking applications, including the application of a logo and additional part tracking informtion.

The Handy Andy X is the entry level dot-peen marking machine, and is on sale now and can be purchased online for under $4,000
The following ON-LINE FORM will provide the CMT marking specialists with information on your application, and they can recommend the right marking tool for your unique application.