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CMT's Mite-E-Roll is a high-speed pneumatic roll marking unit specifically designed for roll marking round parts from 1/8 to 2-inches diameter at rates of up to 4,000 parts per hour. Perfect for high production roll marking of small parts.
- Reduced low force marking method with opposing directional slides
- Marks up to 4,000 parts per hour, depending on part diameter
- Air powered ram and dual action slide
- Gear timed cross slides for accurate mark repeatability
- Fiber optic (adjustable) part present cycle switch
- Cross slide start and stop proximity switches
- Optional adjustable machine style base
- Part "stop-in-mark station" locator finger
Features Continued:
- All box ways with standard industrial bearings
- Quick change stamp holder mounting
- Air inline OSHA required power out valve
- All necessary air control valves
- Electrical control panel with 110vac, programmable functions with look-up menu for program review, and self diagnostics
- Automated load and unload track available upon customer request

Also available is the Macho-Roll for larger parts, shown below with manual load and auto - eject function.