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CMT uses a simple process to take customer arkwork and produce a steel stamp.

  1. CMT receives artwork
  2. CMT edits artwork for manufacturing
  3. CMT supplies customer with pattern approval created from artwork
  4. CMT machines custom steel stamp from the pattern through either a CNC machining process or more detailed manual pantograph process

Artwork specifications:

The best type of artwork is a simplified line drawing. CMT prefers the following formats: .dxf, .dwg, .eps, .pdf, .ai (Adobe Illustrator CS3 or earlier), .cdr (Corel Draw 12 or earlier), .fh_ (Freehand MX 04 or earlier)

If the artwork is received in one of the above formats and is suitable for computerized engraving, it is ready to go directly into the CMT Engraving System. CMT uses a state of the art computerized machine.

Artwork received in other formats must be edited for the stamp manufacturing process. A designer will make the necessary changes. The modified artwork will then be forwarded to the customer for approval.CMT prefers the following formats: .jpg, .psd, .tif, .gif, .bmp, .wmf


  • Raster files such as .JPG, .TIF, .GIF, .BMP & .PSD should be of the highest quality possible.
  • Vector files should be free of any raster images. A useful way of spotting raster art is to zoom in close and see if it becomes pixilated.
  • Saving a file as a vector format such as EPS, AI or FH11, does not guarantee that the image will be in true vector format. If the document contains raster images, they need to be vectorized. An easy way to determine this is to preview the document in "outline" or "keyline" mode. In this mode, every outline will be a pathway for the engraving program.
  • When flat-face stamps are desired, the artwork should be prepared with outlines. 
  • When sharp-face stamps are desired, the artwork should be prepared either as an outline, or as a single-stroke centerline.